
Performance and exception monitoring for Ruby, Elixir, JavaScript and Node.js applications
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September of 2012, my graduation year of my Bachelors of Software Engineering began. To graduate, a final internship was required that would take six months. In that time I needed to focus on one big project.

80beans was a consultancy in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. While doing my internship there I could finally work with Ruby and Rails after years of Java and C#.

Back then AppSignal was 80beans' new project, something only a couple people worked on at a time on Fridays. After two weeks we had planned my part on project, but like with most projects we didn't entirely stick to the planning.

At first we planned I would build the user, invitation and permission systems. Eventually I would contribute more to the application than that. The 'Ruby gem' clients need to install and JavaScript for the performance monitoring pages were among the things I worked on.


On April 29th 2013 AppSignal launched for everyone after months in private beta.

By then my project was already finished, but in January 2013 I began working part-time at 80beans. For several months I contributed to AppSignal as more customers began using it and more features were needed.


Since 2016 I've started working on AppSignal again.